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Installing on an Existing Project
It's also possible to use Symfony Docker with existing projects!
First, download this skeleton.
If you cloned the Git repository, be sure to not copy the .git
directory to prevent conflicts with the .git
directory already in your existing project.
You can copy the contents of the repository using git and tar. This will not contain .git
or any uncommited changes.
git archive --format=tar HEAD | tar -xC my-existing-project/
If you downloaded the skeleton as a zip you can just copy the extracted files:
cp -Rp symfony-docker/. my-existing-project/
Enable the Docker support of Symfony Flex:
composer config --json extra.symfony.docker 'true'
Re-execute the recipes to update the Docker-related files according to the packages you use
rm symfony.lock
composer recipes:install --force --verbose
Double-check the changes, revert the changes that you don't want to keep:
git diff
Build the Docker images:
docker compose build --no-cache --pull
Start the project!
docker compose up -d
Browse https://localhost
, your Docker configuration is ready!
If you want to use the worker mode of FrankenPHP, make sure you required the
The worker mode of FrankenPHP is enabled by default in prod. To disabled it, add the env var FRANKENPHP_CONFIG as empty to the compose.prod.yaml file.