# Installing on an Existing Project It's also possible to use Symfony Docker with existing projects! First, [download this skeleton](https://github.com/dunglas/symfony-docker). If you cloned the Git repository, be sure to not copy the `.git` directory to prevent conflicts with the `.git` directory already in your existing project. You can copy the contents of the repository using git and tar. This will not contain `.git` or any uncommited changes. git archive --format=tar HEAD | tar -xC my-existing-project/ If you downloaded the skeleton as a zip you can just copy the extracted files: cp -Rp symfony-docker/. my-existing-project/ Enable the Docker support of Symfony Flex: composer config --json extra.symfony.docker 'true' Re-execute the recipes to update the Docker-related files according to the packages you use rm symfony.lock composer recipes:install --force --verbose Double-check the changes, revert the changes that you don't want to keep: git diff ... Build the Docker images: docker compose build --no-cache --pull Start the project! docker compose up -d Browse `https://localhost`, your Docker configuration is ready! > [!NOTE] > If you want to use the worker mode of FrankenPHP, make sure you required the `runtime/frankenphp-symfony` package. > [!NOTE] > The worker mode of FrankenPHP is enabled by default in prod. To disabled it, add the env var FRANKENPHP_CONFIG as empty to the compose.prod.yaml file.