import { decode } from "./base32decoder.js"; import jsSHA from "jssha"; "use bigint" /** * get HOTP based on counter * @param {BigInt} counter BigInt counter of HOTP * @param {string} secret base32 encoded string * @param {number} [digits=6] number of digits in OTP token * @param {string} [hashType='SHA-1'] type of hash (more in jsSHA documentation) * @returns HOTP string */ export function getHOTP(counter, secret, digits = 6, hashType = 'SHA-1'){ //Stage 1: Prepare data const rawDataCounter = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8)) rawDataCounter.setUint32(4, counter) const bCounter = new Uint8Array(rawDataCounter.buffer) const bSecret = new Uint8Array(decode(secret).match(/.{1,2}/g).map(chunk => parseInt(chunk, 16))); //confirmed //Stage 2: Hash data const jssha = new jsSHA(hashType, 'UINT8ARRAY') jssha.setHMACKey(bSecret, 'UINT8ARRAY') jssha.update(bCounter) const hmacResult = jssha.getHMAC('UINT8ARRAY') //confirmed //Stage 3: Dynamic truncate const offsetB = hmacResult[19] & 0xf; const P = hmacResult.slice(offsetB, offsetB + 4) P[0] = P[0] & 0x7f; //Stage 4: Format string let res = (new DataView(P.buffer).getInt32(0) % Math.pow(10, digits)).toString() while(res.length < digits) res = '0' + res; return res; } /** * get OTP based on current time * @param {string} secret base32 encoded string * @param {number} [digits=6] digits in OTP * @param {number} [] time for counter (default unix time epoch) * @param {number} [fetchTime=30] period of token in seconds * @param {number} [timeOffset=0] time offset for token in seconds * @param {string} [hashType='SHA-1'] type of hash (more in jsSHA documentation) * @returns TOTP string */ export function getTOTP(secret, digits = 6, time =, fetchTime = 30, timeOffset = 0, hashType = 'SHA-1') { const unixTime = Math.round((time / 1000 + timeOffset) / fetchTime) return getHOTP(BigInt(unixTime), secret, digits) }