# Build Options ## Selecting a Specific Symfony Version Use the `SYMFONY_VERSION` environment variable to select a specific Symfony version. For instance, use the following command to install Symfony 5.4: On Linux: SYMFONY_VERSION=5.4.* docker compose up -d --wait On Windows: set SYMFONY_VERSION=5.4.*&& docker compose up -d --wait&set SYMFONY_VERSION= ## Installing Development Versions of Symfony To install a non-stable version of Symfony, use the `STABILITY` environment variable during the build. The value must be [a valid Composer stability option](https://getcomposer.org/doc/04-schema.md#minimum-stability). For instance, use the following command to use the development branch of Symfony: On Linux: STABILITY=dev docker compose up -d --wait On Windows: set STABILITY=dev&& docker compose up -d --wait&set STABILITY= ## Customizing the Server Name Use the `SERVER_NAME` environment variable to define your custom server name(s). SERVER_NAME="app.localhost" docker compose up -d --wait *Tips: You can define your server name variable in your `.env` file to keep it at each up* ## Using custom HTTP ports Use the environment variables `HTTP_PORT`, `HTTPS_PORT` and/or `HTTP3_PORT` to adjust the ports to your needs, e.g. HTTP_PORT=8000 HTTPS_PORT=4443 HTTP3_PORT=4443 docker compose up -d --wait to access your application on [https://localhost:4443](https://localhost:4443). *Note: Let's Encrypt only supports the standard HTTP and HTTPS ports. Creating a Let's Encrypt certificate for another port will not work, you have to use the standard ports or to configure Caddy to use another provider.*